One (half) day remains of school. And that day is dedicated to the mass-chaos of yearbook signing. I am one school year wiser and exhausteder. [The mispelling accentuates the condition, for all you nonpoetical types out there]. The funny thing is that while most of my other comrades are more and more agitated with the youngsters' May-Fever, I actually am starting to really grow fond of them. Figures: I finally get the hang of it and it's over. Hopefully what that means is that next year I'll get the hang of things sooner and therefore can sit back and enjoy the young life more. [That was a mental note to self].
However, I'm one step ahead of somethings: today I bought a rubber stamp that has a saying I somewhat like, and so instead of wearing out my hand on yearbook day, it's WHAP with the stamp, sign "Mrs. Barnes." Lazy and Brilliant.
I've been reading John 12-13, and I'll have to write about what I've learned about Jesus' washing the disciples' feet. I think I'm going to save that for another post though, for the clock is striking 10:27. I've also been reading about the emergent movement in Why We're Not Emergent (By Two Guys Who Should Be). Pretty interesting stuff. More to come later. It might be much later, though, because I have to start reading and planning for Summer School (booooo, but good money, yaaaaaaaaaay).
Not too "level 6"ish today, but I've received too many complaints by haters of deep thoughts, so I thought I'd tone it down every once in a while for them...
1 comment:
Not all thoughts must be deep: all rivers run shallow sometimes. (and especially in the summer)
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