I've been a fan of MacArthur since borrowing my dad's tapes of Grace to You back in the 90's (I think he has GTY tapes from the 70's!), but I've never read his quintessential book: The Gospel According to Jesus. So I'm about halfway through it now, and though I've heard most of these ideas before in his sermons, a person could not pay heed to them enough.
I think the main idea of this book (as much as I've read so far) is captured in the excerpt above. This book has been deemed a treatise on the concept of "Lordship salvation," which refutes the present day "easy believism" that reduces salvation to mere believing and no repentance/submission. Evangelism in the last 100 years or so has produced a crop of fruitless who think that Jesus is just something they add to their life to make it better. It seems that I've been frustrated for as long as I can remember with preachers who "share the gospel" without confronting a person's sin (which is their need for a Savior in the first place!). Acknowledging sin is humbling, but that's precisely the point - we need to be humbled to view ourselves correctly in relation to a perfect and holy God. No talk of sin = no talk of salvation, because then there's nothing to be saved from!
More on this book later when I finish.

The story follows Yossarian, a bombardier in WWII, in a tailspin of absurdities, skepticism, and self-gratification because everybody is only looking out for himself and therefore you must do the (the idea of integrity is shown to be completely comical idea). The book is filled with no-win situations (which its title now defines) and just when you think it can't get any worse, something else completely ridiculous happens (which is why I liken it to Voltaire's Candide). I can completely understand the mentality (outside of a Christian worldview) especially during this post-war era (which completely fascinates me by-the-way) because the bottom dropped out from under everyone just when they thought things were getting better.
After The Gospel According to Jesus, I plan on reading Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen.
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