I love reading. I wish I read more. I’ve been told to get the Kindle, and my mom even was going to get me one for Christmas, but I’ve been hesitant and reluctant toward the device. Currently, I carry big fat books around with me everywhere – right now I have Dickens’s Tale of Two Cities/Great Expectations – I love the feel of books, the smell of books, the look of books stacked up on the shelves, trophies of my victorious literary achievements. With the Kindle, I’d lose those sensory pleasures, but would I gain enough make the swap worthwhile?
- Fits in my purse – even a small purse!
- I could have multiple books with me at one time (the Bible is most appealing in this point). This is especially ideal for light traveling.
- Pre-1923 books are free to download – I read mostly classic works, so I’d spend waaaaaay less on books.
- The Kindle can read to you (I didn’t know about this feature!), so it turns into audiobooks (for free), for when I’m driving or whatever.
- You can search your library for key words or phrases – great for looking up quotes or Bible verses.
- You can highlight or bookmark, though I doubt this really has the same effect as doing so in an actual book.
- The font is adjustable – I’m thinking this would be great for the gym, where I can enlarge the font and place the Kindle on the elliptical/stair-of-death/bike and not have to wear out my shoulder holding my big fat novel (drudgery I currently inflict on myself).
- Sensory aspects of an actual book, listed above. I’m pretty sure I’d really miss that. There’s something personal and emotional to me about books, weird, eh
- Seeing my books – and others seeing them – conversation starter – ok, pride.
- Feeling the book – turning the page, etc. Each page stores the ideas and emotions experienced on that page’s story, or the sweat produced at the gym while reading that page on the bike (haha).
- Smelling like old books – I’m okay without this one. :)
- My bookshelf wouldn’t bolster my pride. I phrase it this way to convict myself – this should not be a con. :)
What do you think? Other pros/cons? Should I ask for a Kindle for my birthday?
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