Monday, July 21, 2008

Memoirs of mountian-Ali, part 1. Check comment for entry

This was my carry-on and personal item. As you can read in my comment (I can't get it to paste in the right spot - I am SOO technologically inept!), my suitcase was 60 lbs (10 too much), so I had to readjust all my hiking gear: tent, sleeping bag, and all my granola bars ect in my hiking pack as a carry on. Toiletries, rainjacket, book, all the other usual stuff in my purse. Hiking boots on my feet.

I must look like a Colorado chick now!


AliGirl said...

so after tampering with my new (chris's hand-me-down) iPhone for 37 minutes, for now this is the only way I can write on my blog: via comment box. Interesting morning so far. Spent about 20 minutes unloading & reconfiguring my 61pound suitcase down to 51.5. The supernice frontier check in guy let me slide, probably just out of pity... I'm wearing my hiking boots with my probably also 50 pound hiking pack as a carryon and 20 pound purse, all stuffed to the seems with my gear, toiletries, etc. Let me tel you, I definitely look the part of a true mountain woman already-crazy. I'm just really thankful that I decided last Minute to not take my laptop or chris's digital slr, as I wouldve already been $125 the lesser in airline fees. Sad to say, my pictures from colorful Colorado and breathtaking jackson hole Wyoming won't be as great as I originally hoped, but at this point, I'm not a good enough photographer for it to be worth the headache anyway.

I will try to update the blog as oven as possible, and I'll try to use joy's laptop and/or a library to upload pics. I'm so excited about my 10 day adventure- 6 days in estes park, 4 days in Jackson. Lots of hiking is to be expected, and tho I'm trying not to get entranced by longs peak again (who knows what could happen tho), Ive been training, so get ready joy, mom, and dad (folks are meeting me in jh), cause here comes mountain-Ali!

Asher Griffin said...

you have such a rough life.

"Worship is the submission of all of our nature to God. It is the quickening of the conscience by his holiness; the nourishment of mind with his truth; the purifying of imagination by his beauty; the opening of the heart to his love; the surrender of will to his purpose -- all this gathered up in adoration, the most selfless emotion of which our nature is capable." ~William Temple