My favorite food is ice cream. Extravagantly chocolate ice cream. And to be perfectly specific: chocolate ice cream with brownie, cookie dough, peanut butter, fudge, and caramel. But all that’s about to go. In fact, everything with milk in it is about to go. And if that’s not completely terror-striking, everything containing gluten (wheat) is going out with it.
No, I’m not trying to lose weight, though the thought of that byproduct is helping to ease the pain a bit. I’ve been seeing an amazing chiropractor, Dr. Kirk Iodice, who is solving all my body’s ailments through his House-esque differential diagnoses of anatomical and physiological motion exams. After a few weeks of observing and coming to the bottom of my many, many problems, he wants to run an experiment at the chemical level: my diet.
My chronic stiff neck, tight hips and traps, and other various ailments have many structural issues behind them, but I may also have a minor allergic (of sorts) reaction to gluten and/or dairy. When Dr. Iodice prescribed the regimen sans all the foods I basically love for 6 weeks, with no hesitation I informed him that I hated his guts. I love the cereal I eat every morning (and sometimes for dinner), I am known for my religious sandwich-making ceremony at lunch, and I never make pasta without garlic bread. Not to mention the ice cream… nightly.
So I think (this is after I’ve had time to cool off and change my attitude) that this might be a good thing. In the last month, I’ve figured out that I’m not so much competitive as self-motivated, and this is a chance for me to test that. Because it will be a test that requires all my strength of mind to overpower the addictions that I’ve created to the all-powerful force of chocolate.
Dr. Iodice gave me a few days to prepare myself mentally – mostly because I do all my grocery shopping on the weekend – so this Saturday I’m stocking up on fruits, veggies, lean meats, soy milk, and all the gluten-free products resembling bread that I can find.
Sunday begins my quest. I’ve decided to blog my way through the pain, so you can enjoy the agony of ‘health’ and hold me accountable. What kind of Ali will emerge from this milky, bready grave I’d been digging for my body? Stay posted to find out!
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